DVC Valentine's Run to Grand Island Mansion - Walnut Grove
Valentine run to Grand Island hotel we will depart from Peet’s Coffee at the Veranda at 9:00AM for arrival at 10AM for Brunch.
As of 1/24/23, We have 45 people signed-up for the Grand Island Mansion Run and can take a maximum of 50 people. The cost per person, including tax and gratuity is $64.83 or $129.33 per couple. Grand Island will not be able to run individual tabs on the day of the event, so we have to pay as a group. Please pay at our next club meeting or send check to our Activities Director Doug Williamson. His mailing address is on the DVC roster or on the email sent out on 1/24/23.
Deadline for Payment is Sunday, February 5, 2023