AutoX Type II – COVIDCow #1 & #2 – Cow Palace
IMPORTANT! SCC/WSCC Members, please register at The event is open exclusively beginning February 25, 2021 and will open to all drivers beginning March 5, 2021. Please go to the link.
MSR PermaLink
On Sat-Sun, March 20-21, Santa Clara Corvettes is hosting autocrosses at the Cow Palace in Daly City. Our events are open to all cars, and we are inviting all autocross enthusiasts to come out and enjoy a fun course at a great venue. Five runs per driver plus a good chance of fun runs on Saturday. The cost is $55 for Santa Clara Corvettes and Western States Corvette Council (WSCC) members and $65 for non-members.
Limited to 50 drivers in the Morning session and 50 drivers in the afternoon session – Morning drivers MUST leave at lunch break so the afternoon drivers may enter the facility.
Set-up will occur Saturday morning from 7 – 9 AM, and all help is appreciated. Competition wraps up ~ 4PM each day. (We usually hold fun runs on Saturdays, after the competition.)
There will be 2 run groups in the AM, and 2 more in the PM. Working during one run group is mandatory for all drivers. You can run and work in the AM and then leave. Or show up ~ 11 and run and work in the PM. Or you can pay twice and run and work in both the AM and PM. If registration is low on Sunday, we may consolidate to fewer run groups. In order to give us flexibility, we ask that you arrive by 9 AM on Sunday.
Because of COVID, we are making several changes to the way we do things. First off, all registration must be done at There will be no signing up on site the same day. Doing this allows us to eliminate several “touch points” that would otherwise occur. Therefore, you must pre-register at We are also doing away with individual registration forms. This makes check-in at the event easy, with small stickers placed on your windshield to indicate that you’ve registered and signed the waiver. Regarding the waiver, we plan on implementing an on-line waiver signature, so you won’t be signing anything at the event.
Another change — we are no longer collecting money when you register. You still have to provide credit card info, but we won’t charge you until two days before the event. That keeps your money in your hands longer and it makes it easier to process cancellations.
There will be no more coffee and donuts in the morning. We will still provide bottled water, but it will be set out on a table — not in an ice chest.
Have a 1 to 4-digit number, 8” high, on both sides of your car. Painter’s tape works well if you don’t have custom numbers (tape should be available at registration). If you register on-line, you must select a car number, and duplicates with other registered cars are not allowed. Most folks have reserved a permanent number. If you’re new, or if you register on site, you may have to pick one not already taken.
You must have a 2005 or newer Snell or DOT-approved automotive helmet to run (loaners are available). (Motorcycle helmets not allowed)
The self-tech form for your car is included in the registration process, so that’s another thing you won’t have to sign on site. An on-site inspector will also check a few basic things on your car while it’s on grid. One basic rule – get all the loose stuff out of your car, so that it doesn’t move around and distract you while you’re driving.
Regarding food, we ask you to bring a lunch or buy lunch at an off-site venue like McDonalds (about 3 blocks away). Help support the local businesses in the area.
Here’s how it works. . . show up the morning of the event. Clean out your car, walk the course, and attend the drivers’ meeting. The course is laid out using orange traffic cones. You drive one-at-a-time. Once on course, drive it like you stole it.
Collins Orton; phone/text (650) 208-9035; E-mail
Rick Bronner; phone/text408-318-4826 E-mail