DVC Awards Banquet - Zio Fraedo's
If you plan on attending the banquet, you need to get your RSVP, meal selection and payment into your Activities Director, Dan Ardissone, no later than Tuesday, November 2nd. Make your checks payable to Diablo Valley Corvettes in the amount of $25.00 per person. We need to notify the restaurant with a headcount and meal selection breakdown ASAP.
There will be a $15.00 Corkage Fee if you want to bring your own favorite wine. Our Membership Director, Bob Palermini, will greet you at the entrance to the Dining Area and collect your $15.00 cash and mark your bottle as paid.
NOTE: Contra Costa County restrictions, currently, require a Proof of Vaccination for indoor dining. The County is supposed to come out with an update the first part of November. So, just in case, please be prepared with your Proof of Vaccination.