If you are interested in participating in the 2016 Death Valley run please contact Russ Haig. The group will leave from Abel Chevrolet in Rio Vista.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Rio Vista to Lodi, via CA 12
South on 5 and 99 to Delano
(Lunch location to be determined)
CA 155 to Lake Isabella
CA 178 to Ridgecrest
Stay at Hampton Inn, Ridgecrest
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Ridgecrest to Furnace Creek via CA 178 and CA 190
Lunch at Stovepipe Wells
Dante’s View, Badwater and possibly Scotties Castle
(Scotties was closed and may still be closed due to recent flood damage)
Stay at Furnace Creek Resort
Dinner at Steak House at the Resort
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Furnace Creek to Minden, NV, exact route to be determined
Possibly thru Bishop, CA via US395, possibly via Tonopah via US 95
Depends on weather and road conditions
Stay at Carson Valley Inn, Minden, NV
Buffet Dinner at Carson Valley Inn
Monday, April 18, 2016
Return home via CA 88, US 50, I-80 depending on road conditions
Ridgecrest Hotel 126.63
Furnace Creek Hotel 184.80
Furnace Creek Dinner 52.25 per person
Minden Hotel 89.27
Minden Dinner 36.75 per person
Total Cost per car (2 people) 588.70
Payment Request:
Please send Russ Haig a check for $600 (for 2 people per car) or $490 for 1 person
Any overage will be returned to you
DUE BY JANUARY 15, 2016. (Please make payable to Russell D. Haig)