Join Tony Angell's run to the Dead Fish in Crockett. The route to the Dead Fish will be on back roads, no freeways.
Saint Valentine’s day cruise and lunch on Saturday, February 13. We will meet at Starbucks across from the airport on Concord Avenue at 9:45 AM and depart at 10:15 sharp. Our destination for lunch will be the Dead Fish Restaurant. We will be taking a back road scenic route to get there by 11 AM when they open. The menu will have three different items, chicken lasagna, crab lasagna or short ribs. Your choice of free coffee, tea or soft drink. The cost per person will be $29.00. There is no corking fee for any wine you would like to bring. We have room for 30 people or 15 couples . There will be a special surprise gift for the ladies. Everyone needs to call or text Tony Angell at 925-207-6609 to be on the list.